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灵域小说网 > 【HP】高H同人合集【哈利波特】 > 同一支笔(完)


“Borgin and Burkes sent a clerk to escort this to Hepzibah Smith, some collector of magical antiquities in London. But he never got there, of course. I stopped him—well, strictly speaking, your darling uncle stopped him.”(博金-博克卖给了赫普兹巴·史密斯,一个收藏古的老太太。但挂坠当然没有送到她家。我拦住了送货的人——嗯,严格来说,是你那位亲的舅舅拦住了他。)

        汤姆愣住了,抬看她:“Morfin Gaunt?”

        “Yeah.” 茉尔眨了眨,眸波灵动俏媚,语气调, “I…uh…used a bit of an…unforgivable curse…”(我……呃……用了一丢丢……不可饶恕咒……)


        “You controlled Morfin Gaunt?”(你控制了莫芬?)

        汤姆声音很低,茉尔却语气轻快: “Yeah, the poor clerk… He’ll be OK, though, nothing more than a bit of a scare. But Morfin is less lucky. I waited until the Ministry got there and got his confession on record. Azkaban is waiting!”(是啊,那个可怜的店员……不过他会没事的,只是被吓了一场。莫芬嘛,就没那么幸运了。我等到的人到了才离开的,他们录了他的供认。阿兹卡班在等着迎他!)

        见他睁大睛呆呆望着她,茉尔把挂坠盒交到他手里。她的神回复了认真,柔柔笑: “Happy birthday, Tom. And Happy New Year”(生日快乐,汤姆。新年快乐。)

        少女乌眸中闪的光灿若星辰。那一刻,汤姆觉得涌上来的绪几乎要将他压垮。他上前一步,一把抱住她,把她的发间深深嗅着她的清香,轻声: “Promise me you will never do such a dangerous thing, whether for me or someone else, ever again.”(向我保证,无论是为了我还是为了什么其他人,永远都不许再这么危险的事了。)

        他抱得很紧很紧,的力那样大,茉尔直被推得往后退了一小步。她抬手环住他的脖颈,“Then promise me that you, too, will tell me everything that is going on in that brilliant mind of yours.” (那你也得保证,你会告诉我一切发生在你那颗聪明的脑袋里的想法。)


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